Whole Life Challenge Invincible
This is much more than a challenge.
Whole Life Challenge Invincible
This is much more than a Challege
This is a program that can change your whole life... inside and out.

Will you change your body? Yes.

Will you improve your health? Absolutely.

But that is only the tip of the iceberg.

The changes you’ll see in your body will be a direct result of the dramatic changes you will make to your mind.

Remember that as you read on.

This is not a “Challenge”


Invincible removes roadblocks and obstacles that are holding you back and lets you take your health, relationships, work, and life to the next level and beyond!
Many of us got to a certain point in our lives and decided, “this is probably the best it’s gonna get.”

The best job, the best health, the best marriage, the best social life. Maybe we’re not thrilled with very much of it, but it’s better than a kick in the teeth.

Life has become a routine. There are no surprises. You do everything “right,” everything you’re supposed to do, and yet the rewards don’t match the effort.
  • You ate “right” but you’re less healthy than they promised you’d be.
  • You exercised more but kept gaining weight year after year.
  • ​You said you’d make time for yourself, but things kept getting in the way. 
Your best days now often involve a remote control and a comfortable couch, your weeks run together, and each year goes by faster and faster.

This doesn’t seem to be happening to everyone, but it sure seems to be happening to you.

What the heck has everyone else figured out that you haven’t?

How do I know? I’ve been there, too.

How do I know? I’ve been there, too.

When I was 30 I thought my life was over.

I had given up on myself and on ever having anything I wanted.

I was a “loser.” I sold pot, had quit everything I had ever started, and was basically looking for any place I could find to hunker down until my life ended, maybe in 50 or 60 years.

But I got lucky. I found the right place to hide.

Where I hid there were actually people who believed in me.

There were people who wouldn’t stand for mediocrity or being a victim.

I found out there were ways to take action even in the face of not believing.

I started getting parts of my life in order, rather than trying to fix “being a loser.”

Little by little I did things that were worthwhile.

I tried helping myself by helping other people.

I built up my body and my mind.

I helped to create something that has now allowed more than 100,000 people to change their health permanently. Some of them even saved their own lives.

I had come a long way from the pot dealing, good for nothing, scared of life quitter I had been just a few years before.

When I was 30 I thought my life was over.

I had given up on myself and on ever having anything I wanted.

I was a “loser.” I sold pot, had quit everything I had ever started, and was basically looking for any place I could find to hunker down until my life ended, maybe in 50 or 60 years.

But I got lucky. I found the right place to hide.

Where I hid there were actually people who believed in me.

There were people who wouldn’t stand for mediocrity or being a victim.

I found out there were ways to take action even in the face of not believing.

I started getting parts of my life in order, rather than trying to fix “being a loser.”

Little by little I did things that were worthwhile.

I tried helping myself by helping other people.

I built up my body and my mind.

I helped to create something that has now allowed more than 100,000 people to change their health permanently. Some of them even saved their own lives.

I had come a long way from the pot dealing, good for nothing, scared of life quitter I had been just a few years before.

Do you want to...

Do you want to...

  • Have the body and health you dream of
  • Be excited and proud of your work and career
  • Believe in yourself and trust your choices
  • Become completely honesty with yourself
  • Fall in love with your life
  • Do what is meaningful starting right now
  • Have the body and health you dream of
  • Be excited and proud of your work and career
  • Believe in yourself and trust your choices
  • Become completely honesty with yourself
  • Fall in love with your life
  • Do what is meaningful starting right now
My name is Michael Stanwyck and I am the co-founder of the Whole Life Challenge.

I’m a guy just like you. I get stressed about my job, I want the best life for my wife and kids, and I’m born with the same tendency to resist change and risk that you are.

I’ve spent 15 years figuring out how to get the most I can out of life. We created the Whole Life Challenge from those principles to help anyone have health and fitness on their terms.

Getting what you want out of life is no different.

It takes planning
It takes accountability
It takes support
It takes action
It takes commitment
It takes believing in yourself
It takes compassion
It take not being willing to settle for less

These are not special gifts only available to the chosen few. They are skills that are developed and cultivated when you use them. The good news is that you can use them for anything. And the more you use them, the more a natural part of your life they become.

If you practice them.

It’s not as hard as it sounds. It is simply taking on a new approach to what you do every day. If you follow through on what the program offers, there is nothing you can’t have.

My name is Michael Stanwyck and I am the co-founder of the Whole Life Challenge.

I’m a guy just like you. I get stressed about my job, I want the best life for my wife and kids, and I’m born with the same tendency to resist change and risk that you are.

I’ve spent 15 years figuring out how to get the most I can out of life. We created the Whole Life Challenge from those principles to help anyone have health and fitness on their terms.

Getting what you want out of life is no different.

It takes planning
It takes accountability
It takes support
It takes action
It takes commitment
It takes believing in yourself
It takes compassion
It take not being willing to settle for less

These are not special gifts only available to the chosen few.

They are skills that are developed and cultivated when you use them.

The good news is that you can use them for anything. And the more you use them, the more a natural part of your life they become.

If you practice them.

It’s not as hard as it sounds. It is simply taking on a new approach to what you do every day. If you follow through on what the program offers, there is nothing you can’t have.

How Will Invincible Change You?

WLC Invincible will reshape how you see yourself and your life.
You will learn to work smarter
not harder
You will learn to question
your own stories
You will learn to have it all
without the grind

How Will Invincible Change You?

WLC Invincible will reshape how you see yourself and your life.
You will learn to work smarter
not harder
You will learn to question
your own stories
You will learn to have it all
without the grind

You are not different from anyone else.
If they can have it, so can you.

I’ve learned that life doesn’t have to be hard to be good.

You can have all the:
  • Confidence
  • ​Health
  • ​Love
  • ​Peace of mind
  • Success
  • Fulfillment
that you want.

They are yours if you are willing to do the work.

This is not a revelation of ancient secret mysteries. It is a practical approach to eliminating resistance and getting what you want, one step at a time.

Do now what most people never accomplish in a lifetime!

You are not different from anyone else.
If they can have it, so can you.

I’ve learned that life doesn’t have to be hard to be good.

You can have all the:
  • Confidence
  • ​Health
  • ​Love
  • ​Peace of mind
  • Success
  • Fulfillment
that you want.

They are yours if you are willing to do the work.

This is not a revelation of ancient secret mysteries. It is a practical approach to eliminating resistance and getting what you want, one step at a time.

Do now what most people never accomplish in a lifetime!

WLC Invincible Can Change Everything

WLC Invincible is more than just "coaching."

It is a shift in mindset, a process, and a support system that allows you to see beyond your limitations and have success beyond what you can imagine
  • Lose weight and create radiant health
  • Gain the confidence to go for what you want
  • Create relationships that excite you
  • Love who you see in the mirror
  • Take actions that have meaning and purpose
  • Live a life you say is extraordinary

WLC Invincible Can Change Everything

WLC Invincible is more than just "coaching."

It is a shift in mindset, a process, and a support system that allows you to see beyond your limitations and have success beyond what you can imagine
  • Lose weight and create radiant health
  • Gain the confidence to go for what you want
  • Create relationships that excite you
  • Love who you see in the mirror
  • Take actions that have meaning and purpose
  • Live a life you say is extraordinary

What other people are saying about us

I never thought I could do it. I'm a perfectionist and I don't like to fail. I really thought I couldn't stick with it. The Whole Life Challenge gave me the confidence to know that I could do it and the belief in myself that I could make changes.

— Dani W.

This cleansed my mind, cleansed my soul.

— Scott B.

I knew it would be a good experience, but I had no idea it would be so transformative.

— Carolyn B.

What other people are saying about us

I never thought I could do it. I'm a perfectionist and I don't like to fail. I really thought I couldn't stick with it. The Whole Life Challenge gave me the confidence to know that I could do it and the belief in myself that I could make changes.

— Dani W.

This cleansed my mind, cleansed my soul.

— Scott B.

I knew it would be a good experience, but I had no idea it would be so transformative.

— Carolyn B.

How Does It Work

WLC Invincible is a more personalized step forward, using the tools of the Whole Life Challenge:
  • Habits
  • ​Accountability
  • Support
  • Coaching
  • ​Resources
  • "Small step" approaches
You'll be encouraged to explore. In weekly group calls you'll look at opportunities that are happening in your life right now and what is keeping you from seizing them.
You will create actions plans. With your WLC coach, you will create plans that you can achieve and accountability to ensure you fulfill on them.
You will decide what you want to be coached on and what your most important goals are. We're here to support and guide you to grow in your own wisdom and abilities.

How Does It Work

WLC Invincible is a more personalized step forward, using the tools of the Whole Life Challenge:
  • Habits
  • ​Accountability
  • Support
  • Coaching
  • ​Resources
  • "Small step" approaches
You'll be encouraged to explore. In weekly group calls you'll look at opportunities that are happening in your life right now and what is keeping you from seizing them.
You will create actions plans. With your WLC coach, you will create plans that you can achieve and accountability to ensure you fulfill on them.
You will decide what you want to be coached on and what your most important goals are. We're here to support and guide you to grow in your own wisdom and abilities.

Who is WLC Invincible For?

Who is WLC Invincible For?

Do you want support meeting all of your health and fitness goals?
In Challenge or out, you can pursue, maintain, or make gains. Learn to create and attain what matters.
Do you want to be healthier, feel better, and manage stress?
Learn to let go of what you can't control and build on what you can. Your life can be what you dream of.
Do you want deeper relationships and greater success in your life?
Get rid of habits and patterns that keep things from moving where you want them to go.
Do you want support meeting all of your health and fitness goals?
In Challenge or out, you can pursue, maintain, or make gains. Learn to create and attain what matters.
Do you want to be healthier, feel better, and manage stress?
Learn to let go of what you can't control and build on what you can. Your life can be what you dream of.
Do you want deeper relationships and greater success in your life?
Get rid of habits and patterns that keep things from moving where you want them to go.

What You Get When You Join

What You Get When You Join

Invincible Group

Invincible One-on-One

  • A private online accountability group—not Facebook—run by a WLC coach ($129/quarter value)
  • Weekly Group Call ($297/quarter value)
  • Direct access to a WLC coach via private message and email ($297/quarter value)
  • Everything in Invincible Group ($723 value)
  • A private accountability group with me, WLC co-founder Michael Stanwyck
  • Direct access to Michael Stanwyck via private message and email ($297 value)
  • A weekly 15-minute accountability call with Michael Stanwyck ($897 value)
  • A monthly 30-minute strategy call with Michael Stanwyck ($937 Value)
  • Access to the Whole Life Challenge for each quarter you’re in the group ($59 Value)
  • A WLC Daily Planner and Journal ($25 Value)

$297 per Quarter

$997 per Quarter

WLC Invincible renews automatically every quarter unless cancelled

Invincible Group

  • A private online accountability group—not Facebook—run by a WLC coach ($129/quarter value)
  • Weekly Group Call ($297/quarter value)
  • Direct access to a WLC coach via private message and email ($297/quarter value)

$297 per Quarter

Invincible One-on-One

  • Everything in Invincible Group ($723 value)
  • A private accountability group with me, WLC co-founder Michael Stanwyck
  • Direct access to Michael Stanwyck via private message and email ($297 value)
  • A weekly 15-minute accountability call with Michael Stanwyck ($897 value)
  • A monthly 30-minute strategy call with Michael Stanwyck ($937 Value)
  • Access to the Whole Life Challenge for each quarter you’re in the group ($59 Value)
  • A WLC Daily Planner and Journal ($25 Value)

$997 per Quarter

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